Obedience Test Requirements
The American Dog Federation requirements to obtain an Obedience or Tracking related title. Dogs must score at least half the points in each exercise to obtain their obedience
title/degree. As used in these regulations, the word “dog” refers to either sex wheather altered or intact.. Bitches in season can only compete in tracking and ADF Ringsport
tests as explained under Tracking. A voucher can be procured from the show chairman and applied to the next ADF sanctioned show.
Abuse of Dogs, Misconduct, Training on Grounds. The show hosting club will investigate any report of abuse or severe disciplining of dogs on the
grounds or premises. A judge must immediately report any abuse of a dog to the show chairman. NO spike/prong or E collars are permitted.All leads and Collars will be
checked by ring stewarts for equipment safety and for visible or hidden prongs or spikes..
No dog may be entered more than once at the show for the same test.
Blind and hearing impaired dogs will be able to compete for a CD 1 only The handler must inform the ring stewart or video judge of the dogs impairment.
If a judge marks a dog “Disqualified” or “Excused,” the judge must state the reason in the judge’s book and will give a brief report of the dog’s actions. The judge’s book will
be submitted to the ADF with the report
A dog that is lame may not compete. Lameness is defined as any irregularity of locomotion. The judge must determine, without a veterinarian’s opinion, whether a dog is lame. If
the judge deems a dog lame, that judge will excuse the dog from competing and will mark the judge’s book “Excused-lame.”
The judge can make a determination to disualify a dog who has gotten loose and is not in the owners/handlers control before during or after the dog enters the ring for any of the
The judge will disqualify any dog that attacks or attempts to attack any person while awaiting the test or while competing in the test and fill out the required “Disqualification for
Attacking” form The dog may not again compete unless the owner applies for and receives reinstatement from the show giving club.
The judge must excuse a dog that attacks another dog on the field and fill out the required “Dog on Dog Attack” paper work and submit it to the club hosting the show along
with a copy to the ADF. The owner of any dog that has been excused on two occasions for attacking or attempting to attack another dog or person on the
grounds or field will be notified that the dog is no longer eligible to be shown in any ADF sanctioned events
Dogs must be at least 6 months old to compete. No dog may be entered more than once at any one obedience test.
Companion Dog Level 1- CD1To apply for this title/s your dog is required to: All exercises done with lead on. ( 1 ) heel in a box pattern stopping at each corner
( 2 ) figure 8 around 2 objects or persons start in center of objects which are placed 8 feet apart begining the exercise in the center with the dog sitting and
stopping in the center ,the dog should sit. No sniffing or exhibiting interest in the objects/person
( 3 ) In the group competing for CD 1: With lead on have the dog sit give the stay command go to the end of your lead the dog must sit stay for 1 minute without breaking.
( 4 )With the lead on the dog must stand for examination. The dog must stand quietly while a strange runs fis hand over the head and down the back.
( 5 ) In the group competing for CD 1: Down Stay with lead on ask the dog to go down give the stay command and walk to the end of your lead in front of the dog, dog must
down stay for 3 minutes.
( 6 ) Recall With lead on have the dog sit give the stay command walk to the end of the lead and call the dog, the dog must come yto you and sit front then go
to heel as asked or the dog may come when called and go directly to the heel position.20 pts each exercise
Total pts 120
For Companion Dog Level 2 your dog must have and ADF Companion Dog Leve1
Companion Dog Level 2 – CD2 Same exercises as CD1 bu all done without the lead.
For Companion Dog Level 3 your dog must have and ADF Companion Dog Leve1 and 2
Companion Dog Level 3 – CD3 All exercises in CD1 done without lead dog sit is 1 minute long down is 3 minutes Recall is done from 30 feet away .Position the
dog in a sit stay walk to the other side of the ring face the dog, call the dog, at the half way point tell the dog to go down, the dog must go down almost immediately,
wait 10 seconds and call the dog to you he may sit front or go directly to the heel position. points are the same as CD1 and CD2 but 30 points are added for the
recall exercise. Total pts 150
To compete for this title the dog must have a CD1 issued by the ADF. Dogs must be at least 6 months old to compete.
Agility Canine – AC To apply for this American Dog Federation obedience title/s your dog is required to:
( 1 ) fetch (off lead) and return (ball, toy, dumbell) sit front and release the object when asked then go to the heel position 30 pts.
( 2 ) With lead on jump a broad jump that is 1″ in height graduating over the span to 6″ span is twice the body length of the dog (body length measured from
base of neck to base of tail) 20 pts.
( 3 ) With lead on jump a solid jump that is the height of the dog at the back 10 pts.
( 4 ) With lead on jump a pole (mounted on side posts ) that is the height of the dog at the back 15 pts.
( 5 )With lead on walk 8′ long by 12 ” wide plank that is lifted 8 ” off the ground 15pts.
( 6 ) With lead on crawl under a 3′ long post that is elevated half the height (measured at the back)of the dog. 30pts.
( 7 )With lead on your dog must exit the exercise area walking without pulling and carryting the fetch object that was used in the first exercise.30pts.
Dogs must score at least half of the points in each exercise to pass . Total combined points 150
Agility Canine Excellent – ACE To Compete for this title the dog must have a CD Leve1 and a AC issued by the ADF. All exercises as required in the AC test are done
without the lead, your dog must be proficient offlead and willl be disqualified if not under control at all times.
Only the judges, helpers and those required for the laying of the tracks will be allowed on the tracking field. All other persons connected with the test, such as
exhibitors and owners or co-owners of an entered dog, must not be on the tracking field when the tracks are plotted. For each dog entered, a separate track
will be plotted by one or both judges.
A dog must be six (6) months of age or older to participate in tracking events. No dog may be entered more than once at any one
tracking test.
The judges must be notified that a bitch(es) is/are in season prior to the drawing for tracks. The last track(s) to be laid will be reserved for the bitch in season. If there is more
than one bitch in season, a second draw or these bitches will be held. Bitches in season will be allowed to participate in a test only after all the other dogs and not-in-season
bitches have been judged.
Leash, Harness, and Distance Between Handler and Dog. The leash will be between twenty (20) and forty (40) feet in length. The leash will be attached to the
dog’s harness while tracking. The dog must wear a harness while tracking. The harness will be constructed of straps of plain, pliable material and will be designed so that there is
minimum restriction of the dog’s movement.
An inconspicuous marking is permitted on the harness to identify the dog in case of loss. If a collar is worn by the dog while tracking, the collar must meet the approval of the
judge. No spiked collars of any kind will be approved.
The leash must show on top of the harness while tracking, and it must not be deliberately run through the underside of the dog, controlling or restricting the dog’s movement.
The handler will follow the dog at a distance of no less than twenty (20) feet, except during the TDE test where the handler may follow the dog at a distance of
no less than ten (10) feet.
To avoid entanglement, the leash may be dropped briefly during the tracking test but must be retrieved as soon as possible. If the leash becomes entangled,
the handler may unsnap the leash to free it. While the leash is being untangled, the dog must be under the immediate control of and in close proximity to the handler.
When tracking in dense vegetation, the handler may follow the dog at less than the required distances. The handler will return to following the dog at twenty (20)
feet or more when the dog leaves the area of dense vegetation.
Handlers may give verbal commands and verbal encouragement to the dog. However, commands, signals, or body motions used by the handler to indicate the
specific location or direction of the track are prohibited. Harsh verbal commands or physical force used to discipline the dog are also prohibited. Guiding and Restraining will be
determined by the judge and will not be permitted.
To compete for this title the dog must have a CD1 issued by the ADF
Tracking Dog Novice – TDN
The dog is required to have a harness and a 10 -20 foot lead.
Let the dog watch as the track layer leaves the track layer goes out 50 feet, turn the dog in the other direction
while the tracklayer makes a 90 degree right turn and walks on for another 50 feet and makes a 90 degree left turn place an object for the tracklayer to hide in
or behind.
After waiting until 1 minute after he tracklayer has hidden ask the dog to seek or find the person. The dog has 1 minute and 30 seconds to find the tracklayer.
Tracking Dog – TD Click here for test
Track layer shall lay the track as mapped by the judge and pre approved by the ADF. There will be 2 articles that will be dropped by the track layer as
indicated on the map, dogs must locate and retrieve both articles before locating the track layer. Time alotted will be determined by the track.
Tracking Dog Expert – TDE Click here for test
Tracking dog expert is a title given to a dog that can track over variable surfaces
Track layer shall lay the track as mapped by the judge and pre approved by the ADF. There will be 4 articles that will be dropped by the track layer as indicated on the map,
dogs must locate and retrieve both articles before locating the track layer. Time alotted will be determined by the track.
Canine Citizen Of Merit – CCM: To compete for this title the dog must be ADF registered and at least 6 months of age. To apply for this title/s your dog is required to:
The dog must
( 1 )On lead approach a stranger willingly
( 2 ) With lead on allow the stranger to touch him. The dog is receptive without jumping on the stranger or the use of excessive sniffing.
( 3 ) With lead on sits quietly while the stranger holds the lead and you walk away ( about 30 feet)
( 4 ) With lead on greets another dog in a well behaved manner.
( 5 )With lead on sits with the stranger for 1 minute while you are out of sight.
Each exercise is worth 20pts. Total 100 pts dogs must score at least 10 points in each exercise to gain their title.
Canine Citizen of Merit Elite – CCME: All exercises for CCM but done without the lead.
To compete for this title the dog must have a CCM issued by the ADF.
Temperment Trainability Test – TTT this is the introductory test to assess character, courage, and trainability. Dogs should be at least 12 months of age. Please evaluate
your dogs mental age and his association with different experiences (socilization). Have a training class or professional guidance to acclamae your dog before attempting this test.
The test consists of 5 exercises which are done onlead.
Behaviour Toward Strangers
Neutral Stranger
Friendly Stranger
Reaction to Auditory/Visual Stimuli
Hidden clattering noises
Strangers Running and making noises
Gun Shots
Reaction To Visual Stimuli
Umbrella Exercise
Footing Exercise
Self-Protective Reactions – Suspicion Level
Suspicious moving and loud sounding person, 20 feet away.
Person starts to approach dog, suspicious behaviour turns to threatening motions towards dog.
Components in the test measure the dog’s reaction to sight and sound stimulus.
Dog is evaluated on his reaction and how long he takes to recover.
Umbrella test – It is acceptable that dogs may take a few steps back in the umbrella test. Dogs who are curious may wish to inspect the umbrella
The dogs reaction to the friendly, neutral and unfriendly stranger show the dogs ability to evaluate the actions of the stranger.
The test for TTT may not be given in the exact order as seen above. Each excerise is worth 20 points. Dogs must must score at least 70 points in this exercise to gain their title.
Dogs scoring 90-100 points will be awarded TTT-S (Superior) 80-89 TTT-G (Good) 70-79 TTT-F(Fair) Under 70 is not passable. If the judge allows the test may be taken
again but the dog must wait until all other entries for this test have been tested.
Bitches in season will be allowed to participate in a test only after all the other dogs and not-in-season bitches have been judged.
Dogs competing for the following titlesin the A level category must have the American Dog Federation CD 1 CD 2 and CD 3 titles
The emphasis is more on getting the exercise done in an efficient and controlled manner. This gives Frderation Ring Sport a more realistic yet casual feel to it than Schu-tzhund,
where the performance of the dog and handler are being measured against a “picture” of what the perfect performance will look like. The dog is NOT to be judged on a picture
perfect performance BUT must be under control at all times. The dog will not receive a zero in any excercise and will be given two attempts at carryting out an excercise,
however an automatic deduction of 50% of the points available for that exercise shall be deducted on the second attempt. If the second attempt in an exercise is failed the dog
shall proceed to the next ecercise. The failed exercise can be attempted at the next show and if passed the dog will receive accredidation for the level. The score sheet from the
last shows hall be obtained from the ADF in advance of the upcoming show at which the dog will compete in the venue of the failed exercise, this sheet MUST be presented
upon entering the ring so the judge will be able to evaluate the dog for the failed exercise.
Personal Protection All levels NO spike/prong collars are permitted.Collars will be checked by ring stewarts. All collars shall be 2inches wide, made of heavy leather or nylon.
with no visible or hidden spikes or prongs.
All leads shall be in excellent condition and have brass or heavy duty couplings and closures. Equipment must be inspected by the ring stewart before entering the ring.
Level AD1 Alert and Quiet (On lead Exercise lead shall be a 6 foot lead in excellent condition leather or canvass with a substantial brass closure)
Upon command the dog shall watch quietly on command until the command to bark is given. The dog must bark at the decoy in an aggressive manner and is allowed to advance
to the end of a 6 foot lead however the dog shall not pull or drag the owner in the direction of the decoy. On command the dog must quiet but remain watchful. Tis exercise is
repeated two times on request of the judge. Total Points for exercise – 10 which shall rate E10 on the exercise. If a dog requires any part of the exercise to be repeated he
shall upon completion score 5 points and be rated P5. A dog must have earned a score of E10 for this test before competing for the DD1.
Level DD – Defense Dog 1(On lead Exercise lead shall be a 6 foot lead in excellent condition leather or canvass with a substantial brass closure)
Upon command the dog shall alert to the decoy. The decoy shall begin acting in a manner that shall be suspicious to the dog. The handler shall then request the decoy to leave
the scene, the decoy will then advance at which point the dog will receive the bite command, the dog shall engage the decoy. If the decoy is wearing a sleeve after the first bite
and hold contact the decoy shall release the sleeve to the dog, the dog shall with or without command refocus on the decoy and act in a threatening manner, the decoy shall
retreat, the handler shall “out” the dog and call him to heel. exercise is then completed. Total Points for exercise – 10 which shall rate E10 on the exercise. If a dog requires any
part of the exercise to be repeated he shall upon completion score 5 points and be rated P5. To compete for DD2 a dog must have earned a score of E10 in this DD1 test.
Level DD2 Defense Dog 2 (On lead Exercise lead shall be a 6 foot lead in excellent condition leather or canvass with a substantial brass closure )
Upon command the dog shall alert to the decoy. The decoy shall begin acting in a manner that shall be suspicious to the dog. The handler shall then request the decoy to leave
the scene, the decoy will then advance at which point the dog will receive the bite command, the dog shall engage the decoy. If the decoy is wearing a sleeve after the first bite
and hold contact the decoy shall continue to act in a threatening manner until the judge instructs the handler to “out” the dog, and call him to heel. If the handler has to give a
second command to “out” The dog must release the bite as soon as the handler gives the second command or the exercise is failed. Exercise is then completed. Total Points for
exercise – 10 which shall rate E10 on the exercise. If a dog requires the “out” command to be repeated once he shall upon completion score 5 points and be rated P5. Before
competing for the DD3 title a dog must have scored an E10 on most recent DD2 test.
Level DD3 Defense Dog 3 (On lead Exercise lead shall be a 6 foot lead in excellent condition leather or canvass with a substantial brass closure)
Upon command the dog shall alert to the decoy. The decoy shall begin acting in a manner that shall be suspicious to the dog. The handler shall then equest the decoy to leave the
scene, the decoy will then advance at which point the dog will receive the bite command, the dog shall engage the decoy. If the decoy is wearing a sleeve after the first bite and
hold contact until the judge instructs the handler to “out” the dog. The dog shall release immediately upon the command of the handler, yet remain in a quiet yet watchful manner
The decoy shall retreat about 10 feet. At the request of the judge the decoy shall then begin his advance again toward the handler in a threatening manner at which point the dog
without any command from the handler shall engage the decoyand take another full mouth bite. Upon request from the judge the handler shall “out ” the dog and call him to the
heel position. The dog must release immediately and when given the return to heel position comply immediately.The exercise is then completed. Total Points for exercise – 10
which shall rate E10 on the exercise. The exercise must be performed as the judge requests without any error on the dog or handlers part.To earn a DD3 the dog must score an
Training and socialization deepens the canine- human bond is something your dog needs throughout his life Training and socialization is something you can do on your own or for
the best results you can get involvedin a local dog training class that offers both show handling and obedience classes.Once you and your dog have mastered the requiements for
the conformation ring and or an obedience title you will be ready for competition, handling your dog in any ADF Event is an exceptional and enjoyable experience.
Your dog must have an ADF number/Registered with the ADF
Dog and his handler are judged on :
Teamwork and Enthusiasm
The ease and natural way the dog performs
Accuracy and precision, yet natural movement of the team
Communication from the handler to the dog