Alianz Canine Worldwide
Our Work
Alianz canine Worldwide is the global union of national cynological associations unified in criteria and international recognition, we have a series of objectives for the improvement of care, breeding and respect for both pure and non-pure dog breeds. Alianz Canine WorldWide works to unify the entire world of cynology in the aftermath of the common good of breed breeds breeders and owners.
- The conservation, study and research of pure dog breeds, complying with current Spanish, European and international legislation.
- The promotion, improvement of the breeding and selection of animals of the purebred canine species, seeking the development of both physical and psychic qualities of the same, avoiding aggressive behaviors.
- Collaboration with organizations and entities related to the management of records of Books of Canine Origins kept by associations officially registered and recognized according to the current legislation of each country.
- Encourage and encourage the exchange of judges and international experts in canine morphology, ethology, rescue, cynology, safety and assistance by creating an international database of experts from different countries
- Support and collaborate in the creation of adequate legislation for the development of the economic activity of the sector of professionals in the canine world and for the defense of all consumers and amateurs.
- Help non-profit entities whose social purposes favor or encompass activities on animal, nature or environmental protection, supporting their social work, collaborating in the realization of awareness and dissemination campaigns on these purposes.
- Sign agreements with Universities for the realization and participation of studies or research related to cynological advances, making the publication of articles and books based on the advances in scientific research made.
- Promote specific studies and research for the recognition of native breeds in the process of official recognition of their standard in their country of origin.
- Promote the labor integration of groups with difficulties, which can benefit within the professional world of the pet sector with a beneficial integration both labor and socially.
- Collaborate and sign agreements with associative entities, in order to provide humanitarian aid to sectors in need for different problems, with personal collaboration of our volunteers or carrying out some activity to raise funds for these purposes.
- The creation of a database of all organizations with which collaboration agreements are signed, favoring at all times the fluidity of the exchange of international information between the organizations and ministries with which agreements are collaborated or signed.
Our evolution
Many years have passed since 1977, but that situation that arose due to the regulation of the breeding sector of breed animals in the European Union, had united so many breed clubs and canine organizations of the member countries of Europe that we were already beginning to be an important majority. All the efforts, the transposition and application of the laws and the respective directives of the EU to all its member countries, had been consolidated and helped to strengthen the project of World Canine Globalization, throughout the European territory.
But what was the big surprise? the influence of the new communications already very consolidated, the diversified currents of opinion on the concepts of a responsible breeding of breed dogs, but unified by the respect of criteria, an existing and real globalization thanks to the Internet and real-time communication, all that influence got the impulse movement emerged from Spain by the hand of Mª Eugenia Ribelles to consolidate becoming a great Alliance, unstoppable and with a great expansion.
Important dates in our history “ALIANZ” year 1991 approval of directive 174/91, borders disappear and health controls are unified for the free movement of live animals in the EU, organizations based in Europe begin to request their official recognitions for the management of Books of Canine Origins their own, year 1992 transposition of directive 174 / 91UE in RD 391/92 in Spain.
Since 1997 the situation is unstoppable and there are already many people and organizations that begin to walk by themselves, consolidating throughout the world the feeling of freedom and Cynological independence, they are already beginning to hear with resounding voices that bet firmly on a monopoly-free cynophilia, begins to consolidate what is already a reality and an option ALIANZ FOUNDATION, we are a Great World Cynological Family, leaving in the past the vestiges of a monopolistic cynophilia.
Not monopolies that harm the fans.