Dog Obedience Titles Conformation Titles

The Bullynger
The American Dog Federation/ADF has a unique program that allows both you and your dog to obtain
Conformation/Dog Show and Obedience titles in a stress free and safe environment. Very similar
to the same idea of children and adults getting degrees and homeschooling online The ADF gives you and your dog a great opportunity to title your dog. There is no traveling
to shows in hot weather, no fees for a professional handler, no hotels, no hours on the road.
What you do need however is a video camera. Your dog is judged on his/her own merit by
knowledgeable judges. *No title is issued unless the dog is deserving.
Junior Champion Required Age For The Following Groups 6 months and under 12 months Hound, Sporting, Herding Working, Companion Dog CDG 1 Terrier TG3, TG4
Terrier Groups TG1 and TG2 and Toy Group ages from 4 months to under 6 months
Merit Champion spayed or neutered dogs that have produced progeny.
Champion Required Age For The Following Groups 12 months Hound, Sporting, Working, Companion Dog CDG1, Terrier TG3 For the following Groups the minimum age is 6 months Companion Dog CDG2, CDG3 Terrier TR1, TR2 Toy Group
International Champion dog must first have their ADF Championship
Pre Requisites
Dog must be registered with the ADF
Dog should be identified with a microchip, tattoo or 4 pictures showing the front, each side and rear
What Obedience Titles does the American Dog Federation/ADF Offer? The ADF offers titles/degrees in the following:
*Agility Canine AC
*Agility Canine Excellent – ACE
*Canine Citizen of Merit – CCM
*Canine Citizen of Merit Ex – CCMX
*Companion Dog (first level) – CD1
*Companion Dog (second level) – CD2 (CD1 required )
*Companion Dog (third level) – CD3 (CD1 and CD2 required)
*Coursing Dog – CD Call for information
*Earth Dog – ED Call for information
*Herding Dog – HD
*Tracking Dog – TD TDE
How can I get Obedience Titles on my dog?
Your dog must first be registered with the ADF. If you dog is registered with us getting your first or one of many titles is simple and stress free.
Submit your video and your application with the required fee of $35.00 for application for title/degree. If you are submitting applications and video for two or more obedience titles/degrees
each application for title with a separate video is $35.00, for instance if your dog is proficient enough
you may want to submit for CCM and CCMX or CCM and CD1at the same time. Please be sure that your dog is proficient in the exercises that are required and will earn the necessary amount of
points to obtain the obedience title/degree you are seeking.
How do I find out what the requirement are for each title/degree and the necessary amount of points
to pass? Requirements and points needed to pass are found when you click the link Requirements link of the page. You can click on the link Obedience Application